Saturday, November 27, 2010

DebugPanel - Web 2.0 way of print_r()

DebugPanel - Web 2.0 way of print_r()

Target Audience

Novice and intermediate PHP developers who are debugging the code by inserting

print_r($var); // or
var_dump($var); // or

Note: those who are using DBG, Xdebug, Zend Debugger or others, please ignore this "lame" script - it will only make you laugh.


Most of PHP developers start debugging by inserting something like this in their code and seeing results on the screen.

$var = call_some_obscure_function();
print '<pre>'.print_r($var, true).'</pre>';

DebugPanel also outputs the variable contents on the screen, but not directly at the place where it's called, but in a window floating over your script output with many convenience features.

Feature list

  • Collect all variable dumps in one place.
  • Highlight the syntax a little (different variable types get different background).
  • Save screen space by toggling visibility of different variables.
  • Handle multidimentional arrays with ease.
  • DebugPanel is displayed with position: absolute which is not interfering with the output of your script.
  • Drag and drop DebugPanel so it will not cover important information on your screen.
  • Never get warnings that you are trying to send HTTP headers or set cookies AFTER outputting debug information.
  • Handle objects as easy as multidimentional arrays.
  • Use the included PHP profiler to find the slowest code block in your script.
  • Use the included server statistics module to know what's going on with your server.
  • Remembers it's position after dragging, giving you pleasant debugging time!


If you haven't noticed - here it is, on the right of this page. Drag it and inspect it. Click on array titles to toggle visibility.


Step 1

Include the PHP class into your initialization (bootstraping) script.


It will automatically attach itself to the end of your script by using


and so render the DebugPanel in the browser.

Step 2


dp('return value from strange function', $var);

every time you want to debug something.

Somebody wants to host the file for me?


I don't have any plans yet. Please try DebugPanel and report bugs and suggestions.

Hint about Taylor Profiler

That's the way I use Taylor Profiler in my code (which takes care of the current class name and current function name in one go):

function some_slow_function() {
 if (isset($GLOBALS['profiler'])) $GLOBALS['profiler']->startTimer(__METHOD__);
 if (isset($GLOBALS['profiler'])) $GLOBALS['profiler']->stopTimer(__METHOD__);
Request (array[7])
key typeName value
v1st string(16)8485AB8ACB4BBF90
_csoot string(13)1268814504774
_csuid string(16)48b417b23862dc80
MANTIS_STRING_COOKIE string(64)8bac76e935a27df7c99e72a7536cbfaae589e74d8380b7c59f407a5626c4508d
livecid string(32)WI0om32G7446uxjqY4Kzg3Rs5LhQ8Fr2
System Variables (array[7])
key typeName value
REQUEST array[7]
REQUEST (array[7])
key typeName value
v1st string(16)8485AB8ACB4BBF90
_csoot string(13)1268814504774
_csuid string(16)48b417b23862dc80
MANTIS_STRING_COOKIE string(64)8bac76e935a27df7c99e72a7536cbfaae589e74d8380b7c59f407a5626c4508d
livecid string(32)WI0om32G7446uxjqY4Kzg3Rs5LhQ8Fr2
GET array[0]
POST array[0]
FILES array[0]
COOKIE array[7]
COOKIE (array[7])
key typeName value
v1st string(16)8485AB8ACB4BBF90
_csoot string(13)1268814504774
_csuid string(16)48b417b23862dc80
MANTIS_STRING_COOKIE string(64)8bac76e935a27df7c99e72a7536cbfaae589e74d8380b7c59f407a5626c4508d
livecid string(32)WI0om32G7446uxjqY4Kzg3Rs5LhQ8Fr2
Test (array[8])
key typeName value
string string(12)Hello World!
int integer(2)10
double double(6)3.1428
null NULL
bool boolean(1)1
array array[5]
array (array[5])
key typeName value
0 integer(1)0
1 integer(1)1
2 integer(1)2
3 integer(1)3
4 string(5)asd
panel array[1]
panel (array[1])
key typeName value
info array[1]
info (array[1])
key typeName value
position string(5)fixed
someHTML htmlString
someHTML (htmlString)
HiI am an HTML string.
TaylorProfiler (htmlString)
nr count time, ms percent routine
1 1x 1000.20 99.78% some_slow_function
2 0x 0.00 0.22% Missed
3 1x 0.03 0.00% unprofiled
Server Stat (htmlString)
PHP Info
Server localhost
PHP 5.2.8
Server time 16:27:50
memory_limit 262144.000 Kb
Mem. used 931.320 Kb
Mem. used % 0.355%
Mem. peak 931.781 Kb
Sess. size
Server Info
Disk space 20480.617 Mb
Disk used 13353.773 Mb
Disk used % 65.202%
CPU used % 5.736%
RAM 3955.957 Mb
RAM used 3215.152 Mb
RAM used % 81.274%
Uptime 82D 01:40:55
Server load 0.21

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