There are two types of people. Those who strive and those who don’t.
You should know the normal people. They go to their work, get their salary, meet with friends, drink beer and even watch TV. They even save some money for a vacation or hobbies but don’t have a Goal (capital G). They may have a goal to get better house, car, postcards collection…, but it’s not something they think of every minute. They just live with auto-pilot turned on. I don’t mean they are bad in any way, but they are not doing what other type of people do.
The striving people are not satisfied. They eager to change their life. While most of them eager for money, some eager for peace in the world or personal spiritual development. Those people understand that watching TV is not only killing time. They understand that working for some guy is like a permitted slavery. They understand what means to be independent - you can do what you want (legally), regardless of how much money you have or what your boss thinks (they don’t have a boss) or what their neighbours think.
I’ll try to estimate the ratio between those types of people. On average a company has 1000 employees (who knows more exactly?). So there is just one striving person in a thousand. It is likely the boss of the company (if he made the company from the scratch). Sometimes there’s noone.
There are also those who are in the middle. They understand (like striving people) but are not yet on the way to their Goal.
What kind of person are you?