DebugPanel - Web 2.0 way of print_r()

Target Audience
Novice and intermediate PHP developers who are debugging the code by inserting
print_r($var); // or var_dump($var); // or var_export($var);
Note: those who are using DBG, Xdebug, Zend Debugger or others, please ignore this "lame" script - it will only make you laugh.
Most of PHP developers start debugging by inserting something like this in their code and seeing results on the screen.
$var = call_some_obscure_function(); print '<pre>'.print_r($var, true).'</pre>';
DebugPanel also outputs the variable contents on the screen, but not directly at the place where it's called, but in a window floating over your script output with many convenience features.
Feature list
- Collect all variable dumps in one place.
- Highlight the syntax a little (different variable types get different background).
- Save screen space by toggling visibility of different variables.
- Handle multidimentional arrays with ease.
- DebugPanel is displayed with
position: absolute
which is not interfering with the output of your script. - Drag and drop DebugPanel so it will not cover important information on your screen.
- Never get warnings that you are trying to send HTTP headers or set cookies AFTER outputting debug information.
- Handle objects as easy as multidimentional arrays.
- Use the included PHP profiler to find the slowest code block in your script.
- Use the included server statistics module to know what's going on with your server.
- Remembers it's position after dragging, giving you pleasant debugging time!